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Chartered Accountants


COVID-19 Additional Resurgence Support Payment (RSP)

The Government has announced on Friday the 10th September that businesses affected by higher COVID-19 alert levels will be able to apply for further Resurgence Support Payments (RSP). 

When can you apply?   
Applications for the next RSP will open on Friday, 17 September 2021. The Hon Grant Robertson said that Ministers have agreed that there will be another 2 payments after that, 3 weeks apart, so long as the conditions that trigger the RSP apply. The scheme will be available to applicants until all of NZ returns to Level 1.

How to apply?              
Applications can be made through MyIR.

Eligibility Criteria          
The payment and eligibility criteria to qualify for the RSP remain the same, including those applying must experience at least a 30% decline in revenue over 7 days (for this payment commencing 8 September) as a result of being at alert level 2 or higher. 

Amount of Payment     
The payment includes a core per business rate of $1,500, plus $400 per employee, up to a total of 50 full-time equivalent (FTEs) which is a maximum payment of $21,500. Businesses with more than 50 FTEs can still apply but cannot get more than the maximum payment.

For further information refer to the government Covid 19 website or IRD.

Additional Support Measure worth remembering:

Small Business Cashflow Loan Scheme (SBCS):

This measure was introduced to support small to medium businesses and organisations struggling with a loss of actual revenue due to COVID-19. Applications are open until 31 December 2023.

The amount of the loan a business can apply for depends on the number of full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) employed. The loan amount is $10,000 per firm, plus $1,800 per FTE.

  • An employee working 20 hours or more per week is considered full-time, and counts as 1 FTE. 
  • An employee working up to 20 hours per week is considered part-time, and counts as 0.6 FTEs.

The maximum loan your business or organisation can receive is $100,000. Sole traders can receive a loan of up to $11,800.

If you have any question or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact one of your friendly staff members at Roberts and Associates Ltd.

We wish you all the very best during these difficult times, rest assured we are here to support you. If there is anything you need whether it be a friendly chat or answer to a difficult question, please give us a call or send us an e-mail.

Your team at Roberts & Associates Ltd

Michael Roberts            029-770-3121

Martina Evans               021-661-805

Shane Zhou                   021-036-5231

Catherine Kemp            021-145-9994